Welcome to Emmaline Anne Ding's adoption website. This blog details our family's adoption of this beautiful little girl from China in 2005. While the focus of the blog is to record our trip to China, you can also find more about her adoption by clicking on the links to the right.
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Safe and mostly sound in Hong Kong
Well, we've made it to Hong Kong in one piece. It was a long flight! We'd forgotten how grueling a 14 hour international flight can be. But the kids did okay, considering the circumstances, so we're happy. Andrew finally fell asleep at 12:15am while we were waiting for our 1:30am departure. Matthew amazingly stayed up until 3:30am Pacific time! The plane ride was tough -- pray for the inevitably more challenging return leg with 3 kids.

What's more, as we were walking out of customs, we were greatly surprised and pleased to see Lois' family friend "Auntie Sharon" waiting for us! She and her husband live in Hong Kong part-time and part-time in the San Jose area; we'd talked to her a few days ago but hadn't anticipated her meeting us at the airport. It turned out quite providential and fortunate, as she escorted us onto the right bus, helped us get off at the rightp stop, walked with us to our hotel, and even took us to a simple congee breakfast. After all that, we realized that but for her help we'd have been really lost! So thanks be to God for her kindness to us at meeting us at 6:45am local time at the airport!
We're now checked in at the Booth Lodge (Salvation Army) hotel, which is pretty decent. We have two adjacent rooms, and we're just working on the inevitable jet lag effects. That's also where I'm accessing the web from -- a wireless lan set up in their lobby.
My top prayer request at this point, now that we're set up to go to Guangzhou on Monday to meet Emmaline, is for our current family dynamic. Both kids and parents are frazzled and easily irritated from lack of sleep. Pray especially for God's grace to pervade our spirits, so that especially Lois and I can be particularly gracious and patient to Matthew, who's having a tough time with new environs and fatigue combined.
In the meantime, thank you for all your encouraging words and prayers!

We're now checked in at the Booth Lodge (Salvation Army) hotel, which is pretty decent. We have two adjacent rooms, and we're just working on the inevitable jet lag effects. That's also where I'm accessing the web from -- a wireless lan set up in their lobby.
My top prayer request at this point, now that we're set up to go to Guangzhou on Monday to meet Emmaline, is for our current family dynamic. Both kids and parents are frazzled and easily irritated from lack of sleep. Pray especially for God's grace to pervade our spirits, so that especially Lois and I can be particularly gracious and patient to Matthew, who's having a tough time with new environs and fatigue combined.
In the meantime, thank you for all your encouraging words and prayers!
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